diumenge, 7 de gener del 2018

The Grimm Escape - Puzzle Break - Newton, MA

Resultado de imagen para puzzle break ma
Descobrint pobles a les afores de Boston, ens hem arribat a Newton, a jugar The Grimm Escape, un dels 3 room escape que tenen a Puzzle Break.
Per resoldre la sala a temps s'ha de fer molta feina, i al ser només dos, doncs... ejem ejem... si, ens va faltar un minut extra. La història de la sala es basa en una gran fantasia,  els enigmes que hi vam trobar no eren gens fàcils i fins i tot vam necessitar ajuda a nivell de vocabulari ja que hi ha més d'un joc que es necessita un nivell de lèxic en anglès important. Ara bé, tot i que és una sala entretinguda, ens van fallar un parell de coses. En primer lloc, la decoració és molt fluixa, jo no em vaig creure en cap moment que era en un bosc encantat, no fotem! I segon, el nivell d'inversió és baix, molt baix. Com estalvia també aquesta sala?... doncs res de càmeres ni micròfons, molt més econòmic posar el game-master a dintre. Vam tenir aquella noia a dintre tota l'estona amb nosaltres, sense ser cap personatge ni participar en la immersió al conte, i clar, això incomoda bastant, tot i que la noia va fer un esforç increïble per intentar entendre el que ens dèiem entre nosaltres.

Recently we have been exploring towns around Boston. We went to Newton to play “The Grimm Escape”, one of 3 room escape games from Puzzle Break. To solve the room on time, you need to work hard and have great teamwork. Unfortunately there were only the two of us... so... yes :(... we needed an extra minute to escape. The story of the room is fantasy-based, the riddles are not easy and we even needed some help with some of the vocabulary; there is more than one riddle that you need to know some expert level English. Although it was an enjoyable room, we did miss a couple of points. First was that the decoration is somewhat lacking; I did not feel that I was in a magical forest. Second was that the effort they put into creating their set-up was low, very low. Is this how the room is saving money? Instead of using cameras and microphones, the game-master is in the room with the players the entire time. And although the game-master was inside with us, she did not act out any of the characters or dress up in costume to be a part of the game, which made the game feel as though it was missing something. However, she was very nice, made a big effort to try to understand what we were discussing in Catalan.
Temàtica: You are trapped in the Grimm forest! Can you and your companions find the clues, solve the puzzles and break the witch's spell to escape the locked room in 1 hour?


El millor :)  Vam estar treballant tota l'estona, no vam parar ni un moment.
El pitjor :( Falta immersió, decoració, i fer creure bastant més la història.

The best :) We were working all the time, we did not stop for a second.
The worst :( It needs a better presentation, decoration, and to immerse the players in the story.

Ai que monos, tots dos verds,anàvem de conjunt... i molt adient el color.

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