dilluns, 24 d’abril del 2017

Death by chocolate - Enigma puzzle house - Bloomington IN- USA

Hem estrenat la primera sala de Enigma puzzle house de Bloomington (IN), resolent la història "Death by chocolate".
Una àvia, una cuina i una recepte d'un pastís de xocolata deliciós són els protagonistes. L'ambientació és justeta, tot i que acaben d'obrir i ens han dit que han de polir detalls. Els enigmes, a part d'un parell de "bolets" al mig del joc, queden ben encaixats amb l'ambientació i la temàtica. Sense gaire tecnologia aconsegueixen que els enigmes siguin prou variats.

We have gone to a brand new room escape from Bloomington (IN), the Enigma puzzle house, solving their first room escape, Death by chocolate. A grandma, a kitchen and a recipe of a delicious chocolate cake are the main characters. The atmosphere is not really spectacular, they just have opened it and they want to put the final touches to it. Enigmas, except a couple of them, fit well with the decoration and the theme. Without using many technology they get that enigmas are quite varied.
Temàtica: For decades, Grandma’s chocolate cakes never failed to win the grand prize at the state fair. Major food corporations offered her a small fortune for it, but she never sold out. Now the police suspect that one of her four grandchildren may have murdered her for the recipe.  To top it all off, her old farm house is slated for demolition this afternoon! Can you find the recipe, uncover the murderer, and get out, before it’s too late? (No actual grandmothers were harmed in the making of this room.)

El millor :) El tema l'hem trobat molt original.
El pitjor :( Falta millorar la introducció a la història, i una mica també l'ambientació en general.

The best :) The theme is really original.
The worst :( They need to improve the introduction and the atmosphere. 

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