dimarts, 13 de desembre del 2016

Save the White House - Escape House Chicago - USA

Quin fred fot a Chicago al desembre! Quina millor manera de fer el turista per USA que salvant la Casa Blanca a contra-rellotge.
Quatre nenes maques vam anar a jugar al Escape House Chicago, situat al centre de la ciutat. Al arribar ens van dir que jugaríem amb 4 persones més. Al primer moment ens va venir el "baixon", ja hi tornem a ser, quina mania que tenen aquests americans de fer-te jugar amb gent desconeguda. Però un cop a dintre la Casa Blanca, els 4 agents de Saint Louis que ens van tocar, van servir de bastant ajuda, ja que s'han de tenir uns mínims de coneixements sobre els presidents que han passat pel despatx oval, i tot i que era la seva primera experiència com a escapistes, vam treballar molt bé com a equip. La sala té bona decoració amb detalls ben cuidats,  i els enigmes molt variats però sense sortir de la temàtica presidencial americana. No té molta dificultat, vam sortir amb uns 15 minuts sobrants. Si aneu a fer el turista per Chicago, recomano fer-lo, té un tema molt americà i a més a més s'agraeixen activitats interiors amb la rasca que hi fa a l'hivern.

Chicago in December, what a chilly city! One of the best ways to be a tourist in USA should be saving the White House against the clock. Four beauty girls played in Escape House Chicago, located at the down town. When we arrived, they told us that we will play with 4 more people. Firstly, we did not enjoyed the idea of playing with strangers, but once we met our 4 partners from Saint Louis we changed our minds. Although it was their first experience in the room escape world, they contribute a lot with their knowledge about the US presidents, and we played really good as a team. The room is good decorated with details, and there were a variety of enigmas all related with the american presidents theme. It is not very difficult, we get out with 15 minutes left. If you have planned a trip to Chicago, I recommend this room escape, it has a very american theme, and you will appreciate the indoor activity during the Chicago winter. 

Temàtica: You and your fellow teammates are being trained as Secret Service agents. During your orientation training at the White House, you and your fellow agents find yourselves locked down in the White House during a missile attack. Your escape room mission is to quickly uncover secrets, solve clues and locate the codes to launch missile interceptors to save the White House before time runs out.

El millor :) Com a turista, la temàtica.
El pitjor :( Tot i que vam fer un bon equip, continuo pensant que 8 persones és massa gent per la mida del joc.

The best :) To be a tourist, the theme.
The worst :( Although we were a good team, I am still thinking that 8 people is too much for the game size. 

Ei... i amb bandereta inclosa...

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